Important features in hearing aids

Every year, hearing aid technology advances a step further. Hearing aid users now have a wide variety of excellent options, thanks to new and improved features and programs. Here are some of the various hearing aid features available to you, whether you're looking for your first pair of devices or are getting ready to replace your outdated ones.
Stream your favorites with Bluetooth
Bluetooth is everywhere nowadays, and hearing aids are no different. Thanks to Bluetooth compatibility, your hearing aids can wirelessly connect to any Bluetooth-enabled device, including your laptop, tablet, and smartphone. Once connected, your hearing aids will receive audio streaming directly from your smartphone or other devices! This feature is becoming more common in hearing aids and may soon be found in all models. Anyone who wants to talk on the phone hands-free, participate in Zoom meetings, watch movies, or enjoy listening to music or podcasts will appreciate this feature the most.
An explosion of hearing aid apps
There seems to be an app for everything these days. A smartphone app can now be used for complete control of many hearing aids. You can change programs and settings or increase the volume from your phone rather than fumbling with the hearing aids' controls. Other apps even connect you to your hearing professional so they can reprogram your hearing aids remotely from the comfort of your sofa.
A game-changing rechargeable option
Are you tired of replacing the batteries in your hearing aids? Do you long for the days when you wouldn't have to fuss over these tiny batteries or stress about putting them in correctly? Rechargeable hearing aids took a while to become reliable, easy to use, and cost-effective, but with the advent of lithium-ion rechargeability, that moment has arrived for the hearing aid industry. You never have to remove the built-in battery from these hearing aids. Instead, you merely leave the hearing aids overnight on their charging station. The batteries are recharged while you sleep. Then you can benefit from a full day of hearing. That's how simple it is.
Tinnitus therapy built-in
Do you notice any buzzing or ringing in your ears? Tinnitus is a noise you hear in your ears that is not there in the outside world. This unpleasant sound is most audible when you're in a quiet place or attempting to get to sleep at night. Many hearing aids feature tinnitus treatment programs to help you in managing tinnitus. This cutting-edge feature emits a masking sound to make tinnitus less noticeable. Some software plays pink or white noise. You can pick from uploaded music or noises, as well as from natural sounds. With this unique feature, you'll be able to concentrate on the noises you want to hear as your tinnitus disappears into the background.
The hidden utility of telecoils
A telecoil is a fantastic additional feature for your next pair of hearing aids. This tiny wire inside the hearing aid enables wireless connection to public address systems in many public locations. With your hearing aids, you'll be able to hear every word said on stage right. This feature not only improves your hearing but also removes background noise from the area between the speaker and your ears. To improve hearing for those with hearing loss, loop systems are widely used in airports, train stations, and other transit hubs.
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is a vast computer science field focusing on making intelligent machines that can do tasks that usually require human intelligence. This means that hearing aids can use technology that can adapt to our surroundings, making it easy to hear in a wide range of settings.Hearing aids with AI use complicated algorithms to help people hear better. They find out how you like to hear and remember it. Then, through a series of questions and observations, they figure out the best settings to help you hear. In the past, it was hard for people who used hearing aids to move from one sound environment to another. The noise level in one place is very different from what you need to hear in a quiet place. This has led to feedback and made it hard for conversations to occur. Hearing aids that have AI can now adapt automatically by remembering different listening profiles and switching to them. AI hearing aids come with GPS, which can figure out where you are and remember the settings you previously used in that space.
Are you ready for an upgrade?
We collaborate with the best hearing aid manufacturers to bring you the latest features and technological advancements in hearing aids that change preconceptions. Get in touch with us if you're looking for new hearing aids and want to learn more about these innovative features! Our Audiologists will help you find the ideal programs and environments that suit your hearing needs, lifestyle, and budget.

Melissa Karp is a board-certified audiologist with special expertise in tinnitus treatment, auditory processing disorder (APD) evaluation, hearing aid fitting and aural rehabilitation.
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